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The GHD Machine is a great way to strengthen your glutes, hamstrings, lower back and calves.
This machine is really easy to use and is a great back exercise. You can use different attachments with this machine which Ian and Julie talk you through in this video
This is a great machine to use to help build upper body strength and to use a stepping stone for being able to do a pull up unassisted. Check out this video for some tips on how to use the machine correctly and how the different grips will change what muscles you target.
Using this machine is another great exercise for your back muscles. To use it correctly just pull back so your shoulder blades come together, maintain a good posture, stomach in nice and tight! Watch this video for a demonstration and variations.
The Lat Pulldown will challenge your mid and upper-back muscles, arms and grip. As the name suggests, the move targets the Latissimus Dorsi – the large, flat muscles across your mid back. This is a compound exercise, meaning it works several joints at once -- and thus, several muscles. While the latissimus dorsi is the primary muscle worked, the biceps and muscles of the forearm act as helpers. Several of the muscles of the rotator cuff also assist as you pull the bar down.
The lunge is a popular leg-strengthening exercise. You can also mix it up with variations to make it harder and emphasise different muscles. Lunges primarily work the gluteals, quadriceps, and hamstrings. Lunges are important for both strengthening and injury prevention. They’re a functional exercise that works multiple muscles across the hips, knees, and ankle joints at the same time. They also challenge core stability in unilateral movement patterns.
This is a great machine to use if you are new to squatting. Once standing in the machine remove the safety rack. Feet should be shoulder width apart, hold onto the handles up the top and then squat as low as you can. Timing - aim for one second down and one second to come back up. This will work your legs, core and back!
Set up the machine so that the pads sit comfortably against your lower back when you sit on it. Extend your legs out, hold the handles for support. Pull down as far as you can with your legs, hold for a second, then slowly bring it back to the starting position.
The Leg Press machine will work your quads, glutes and hamstrings. This is a resistance training exercise and it's an excellent way to strengthen your legs.
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